Here we share the the stories and blogs written by members of the BRiC community.
Share Your Story
We welcome blog posts by anyone who has been affected by breast cancer. Whether you have a primary or secondary diagnosis or have completed your treatment.
Before submitting your blog post, there are a few things we would encourage you to consider. These suggestions are intended to protect you and create a safe, supportive and respectful space here on Panning for Gold.
Privacy and Confidentiality of Posts
This blog is a public platform which is easily accessible to anyone with internet access across the world. This means that you could be identified by your name and/or other personal details.
You can submit your post anonymously if you wish, but if you prefer to use your name, we suggest that you use just your first name so that you are not identifiable to anyone searching for your name on a search engine.
We will not publish the details about your hospital or staff treating you - they have a right to confidentiality too.
We are willing to publish photographs of you and your family if you can confirm their agreement for the photographs to be used.
What we will and will not publish on Panning for Gold
Panning for Gold is not a platform for debating political issues affecting breast cancer, including the benefits - or not - of specific treatments, alternative therapies, or related issues.
We are willing to share blogs that highlight the findings of research in relation to psychological resilience as well as the chance to comment, but we will confirm that the ideas and opinions in the research have been appropriately validated before publishing.
While we want this to be a space to celebrate the achievements of women who have experienced breast cancer, it is not a platform for promoting or advertising products. This includes fundraising requests, which while important, is not the aim of this blog and personal social media channels.
Posts can be submitted by email to