Tuesday 8 October 2024

Ruth's story


Ten years ago, Ruth was diagnosed with Stage 1, Grade 2 Invasive Breast Cancer following a mastectomy for extensive DCIS (Ductal Cancer in Situ). During those 10 years the physical (medical and surgical), mental and emotional consequences of diagnosis and treatment have been significant. Despite 10 year of NED (no evidence of disease), the realisation that no one can ever tell you that you are cancer free and that the cancer will never come back has hit hard. It’s always there …

Always there

 Your are always there with me

Through the good times and the hard

We have been through so much together

I lie in bed at night and you speak to me

I’m at work and you pop into my head

I’m with friends and you are sitting on my shoulder

Some days you feel further away

But others you surround me, fill me … and scare me

 Fear of cancer recurrence, you will be with me forever but I will not let you overwhelm.

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