Tuesday 8 October 2024

Coping with Endocrine Therapy Effects


We looked at how our ladies cope with endocrine (hormone) therapy, which is used as an adjuvant treatment for those with hormone positive breast cancer. Drugs such as Tamoxifen and Zoladex along with aromatase inhibitors, such as Anastrazol, Exemestane and Letrozole, are used to prevent local recurrence or further spread of cancer after a primary diagnosis or as part of ongoing treatment for those who live with secondary breast cancer.


    Naz shared a research article in the scientific journal Lancet Oncology which had reviewed the evidence for approaches to managing side effects. The article pointed out that hormone therapy causes a significant impact on quality of life which then affects adherence to medication. It also said that there should be an aim for breast cancer patients to be returned to pre-cancer quality of life and emotional/social function. Further, it was felt that this could only be achieved by careful management of side effect of anti-cancer treatments. Our members do not appear to receive much support to achieve this aim, with many being given a prescription for tablets to take for 5 or 10 years and then sent away with no further follow up.


    Outcomes cited in the article found that 16% of pre-menopausal women stopped taking the medication due to side effects. Sadly, some of our members experienced side effects that made them miserable, with impaired quality of life, but felt they had no follow up and that some felt their concerns were not taken seriously by medical teams. There seems to be a feeling that we should be grateful to have our breast cancer treated and that side effects are just part of keeping the cancer away. Encouragingly, some had very helpful GPs, however, others felt their family doctor did not have the expertise of the oncology team who made the initial prescription.


    For those of us who tolerate these drugs well, there is a significant comfort factor in knowing we are doing all we can to prevent the recurrence of cancer, although it needs to be remembered that taking these tablets is not 100% effective and they can also act as a daily reminder of our breast cancer diagnosis, which can be psychologically challenging.


    Of the many side effects that were reported by our members, some were commonly recognised in breast cancer leaflets - hot flushes, joint pains (for some, the pain was so severe, they struggled to walk), sexual dysfunction and reduced bone density. But there are also lots more - vaginal dryness causing pain during intercourse, low mood, cognitive impairment (this often had a significant impact on work and home life), poor quality sleep and thinning of hair, nails and skin.


    As always, our members offered advice on what had helped them the most. Clearly there were some pharmaceutical prescriptions given by a doctor but there were also non-pharmaceutical options too. Many found a more holistic approach helpful, for example, using mindfulness techniques. Yoga and Pilates were found to ease stiff and painful joints. Exercise was found very helpful at helping lift mood, help reduce the frequency of hot flushes and improve sleep as well as improving fitness. Some members like to run, others to walk, cycle or spend time gardening. Others found the use of dietary supplement helpful, although it is important to check with your doctor, pharmacist or specialist nurse to ensure there are no interactions with prescribed treatments.


    Pain control was very important for those with muscle and joint pains. For some, simple pain killers such as paracetamol sufficed, for others pain control was much trickier - some had been referred to a rheumatologist and found this helpful. Acupuncture was also used, albeit with varying success. For many, however, they were left to try to manage pain in the absence of an oncology team. Sometimes a change in medication or a short break can make a lot of difference, but these opportunities are not available in the absence of follow up support.


    Sexual dysfunction was very common, especially after the rapid menopause brought on by breast cancer treatments. Many members felt it hard to talk to medical teams about such a deeply personal issue. Vaginal dryness symptoms can be addressed with a prescribed moisturiser but other symptoms such as loss of sex drive were much harder to talk about and even harder to find treatment in the absence of an oncology team with access to a psycho-sexual counselling team.


    Almost universal amongst our members was the lack of information about benefits of treatment and harm from side effects. This meant that there was little opportunity to discuss in depth how much the treatment would benefit them and at what cost. Without this, there is no informed consent for drugs to be taken for up to 10 years. More than one member described being sent off with no follow up and a box of pills. For those who still had regular oncology follow up, this was felt to be useful and a good opportunity to get help.


 So, to round up and conclude; what action can we take to help ourselves whilst on Tamoxifen or AIs? 


·       Trying a different brand can often settle the side effects and sticking to one brand once we’ve found what suits us can also be helpful. This isn’t always easy as pharmacies tend to supply the cheapest option at the time, but it is possible with the help of a friendly GP and pharmacist who will specify and fulfil a brand-named prescription. 

  • ·       Side effects may be more severe at first, so it’s worth persevering to see if they settle, however, we also think that side effects may be cumulative with aromatase inhibitors as our body’s oestrogen becomes more and more depleted. 
  • ·       Hot flushes may be helped by a mild dose of an antidepressant, and some women have found acupuncture helpful.  
  • ·       Joint pain is helped by regular gentle exercise. Supplements may be helpful, such as magnesium, and we suggest consulting a medical professional before taking these. 
  • ·       Taking short breaks to allow the body to recover may be useful, again in conjunction with our GP or oncologist. 

Our advice to anyone taking these drugs is not to suffer in silence, but to seek help. Speak to your GP and have a frank discussion. Groups like ours, we agree, can help hugely as we share tips and support each other with our issues.

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