Wednesday, 27 April 2016

An Unnatural Transition ~ Tamsin ~ HuffPost Blog

Of the 57,000 women diagnosed with breast cancer in the UK this year, around 10,000 will be premenopausal women. If you are interested in the impact of early menopause, do read Tamsin's blog post 'An Unnatural Transition' which was featured in the Huffington PostUK in April 2016. She writes:

"But I am one of the lucky ones. Because my breast cancer did not have hormone-receptors and I have had preventative breast surgery, I can safely take HRT. This isn't an option for the vast majority of women who are diagnosed with estrogen+ breast cancer and who are often left to struggle on their own. How can younger women who have had a breast-cancer diagnosis support their overall health and well-being in the longer term? What are the options for younger women for whom HRT is not an option? We desperately need more information, advice and support".

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