positive” is a phrase we often hear when we are diagnosed with breast cancer.
Sometimes we say it to ourselves, sometimes others say it to us as a way of
encouraging us. But what does it really mean to 'think positive'? How does it
benefit us and are there drawbacks of a 'positive' mental attitude?'
In our
network, we shared that adopting a positive outlook had helped us to manage the
intense emotions that are in the driving seat when we find out we have primary
or secondary breast cancer. Our initial reactions include shock and disbelief;
we are often forced to make treatment decisions and manage schedules, adopting our natural tendency to adopt an
avoidant style of coping. Many of us described being naturally drawn to
avoiding our negative feelings, wishing to appear positive in our interactions
with the world at large, and in some circumstances we thought this was helpful. However, draw backs to this attitude include
becoming cut-off from our emotions, numb, or unable to share our authentic
feelings, leading us to feel isolated.
Some of us
shared that we could express positive and negative emotions, and felt this was
liberating. Others described consciously or unconsciously finding themselves
being drawn to the 'silver linings' - the positives that had come about as a
result of our changed circumstances, such as spending time with our children
while being on sick leave.
Naz told us
about research on cognitive flexibility, its promising influence on mental
well-being and encouraging effect on building resilience. The elasticity and
plasticity by which we embrace our diverse range of emotional experiences helps
us regulate our emotions appropriately and appreciate our experiences, however
complex they may seem.
In terms of
our feelings, this means feeling sad, grieving when we need to and being
fearful when it’s necessary. A flexible style of thinking, like the rubber
band, is elastic. Naz explained that brain plasticity is not a simple thing to
achieve, especially when we have gone through highly traumatic experiences,
ones that continue to haunt us. Breast cancer brings with it uncertainty and
the danger of recurrence, the progression of disease, loom high. In these
circumstances, our brains are geared towards anxiety related thinking styles,
appropriately even, hypervigilant for signs of danger, feeding into anxiety and
worry. However, this increases our vulnerability.
explained that research shows that our ability to embrace negative thoughts and
painful experiences paves our way to allow the positives we experience to
nurture us. This is especially relevant to those of us living with breast
cancer and its effects because we take our cancer forward with us. Our moments
of ‘being down’ can help us to understand ourselves and embracing our inner
fears helps us to practice gratitude, and grit. The balance is hard to achieve,
but it can be done with practice.