Monday 30 September 2024

Complementary Therapies


Research shows our mind and body are intricately connected. Ongoing studies are documenting that, when we try to nurture ourselves during the depths of diagnosis, treatment and beyond, we should take a holistic approach.

    Complementary therapies can play a large role in our ability to cope through treatment, even helping to maintain a standard of fitness, where possible. This can really help to boost our natural resilience. We must stress that the term is not to be confused with complementary or alternative medicine, which is often used interchangeably, but is actually very different.

    Reflexology was mentioned in our discussions a number of times, as was Mindful Meditation, Acupuncture, Hypnotherapy and Reiki. For those wishing to do something a little more active, Yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi are popular options, incorporating gentle guided movement and stretching. The Himalayan Singing Bowls/Sound Bath gives us music to sooth and relax to.

    Getting the timing right when trying a longer term therapy such as counselling is key, as acting too soon after diagnosis may result in a negative experience which may be off-putting for later when the talking therapy may be more useful. The trauma of a breast cancer diagnosis may take some time to process, and trying to crystalise our feelings may be harmful if taken on at a time when numbness is a useful self-protection mechanism. A good therapist will help us to make the right judgement at the right time.

    Self-awareness can be profoundly liberating when achieved via counselling, CBT, psychotherapy or other kind of talking therapy, but it can also be very challenging work. We have to be ready to face our fears, to dig deep inside and look at what we have been through, what it means to us, now and in the future.

    Our members have all had a primary diagnosis of breast cancer and many are living with a secondary diagnosis. Many reported finding the relaxation therapies very helpful both during and just after treatment, Reiki and reflexology proving very popular. Many cancer hospitals and centres offer these types of therapies to cancer patients free of charge and many of our members took advantage of this. Massage is also very relaxing, but many beauty salons and spas won’t offer massage to people who’ve had cancer without a letter from a GP or other medical professional, so it’s worth being aware of this when inquiring.

    Sound therapy has been tried by a few of us and has helped considerably with fatigue. Herbal remedies have been used alongside our traditional medication to enhance healing and wellbeing and to counteract the side effects of our post-cancer medicines.

    Some of us have shied away from complementary therapies, perhaps seeing themselves as someone who ‘just wants to get on with it.’ Personal wellbeing practices such as meditation and journalling are helpful. Others have taken a ‘bury my head in the sand’ approach, believing they don’t need or wouldn’t benefit from additional help.


    Calming meditative activities such as crochet, knitting and sewing are popular, providing both focus and distraction. Some of us feel that exercise is our therapy, we run or practice yoga or walk in nature.
Some of us are unclear on what therapies might be available and whether we have access to them as cancer patients. Many centres continue to support patients for up to 5 years after diagnosis, and those with a secondary diagnosis may find they have open access to their local centre. However some centres only actively offer complementary therapies during and just after treatment and this may not suit us, particularly if we are working as much as we can through treatment.


    Therapies offered vary considerably by region, and sometimes we may decide to find our own private therapists. It is key to trust the therapist and believe in the treatments undertaken. For some of us, we want to go to therapists who have been through cancer themselves, and/or have had specialist training in working with cancer patients.

    Counselling is generally offered as a series of six sessions which may not be long enough to be fully effective, and as private counselling is expensive this can be a problem. Scratching the surface and opening up deep wounds but not following them through may leave issues unresolved once the counselling stops. Some of us have had unpleasant experiences with therapies, and it’s worth taking the time to find the right one at the right time, and to check qualifications of the therapist.

    There were a few points raised that we need to be aware of. Firstly, there is a lack of funding, as with most things. Secondly, most of the therapies available are not state regulated, only self regulated. So as it stands, anybody can call themselves a complementary therapist. That’s not to say that there aren’t skilled people around, but there is no central organisation or strict guidelines that they must be answerable to. The people treating us also need to be aware of the changes in our bodies caused by our cancer treatments, such as neuropathy, fatigue, joint pain, among many, many other side effects, and should be able to adapt their specific skills to our individual needs.

    As with most things on the NHS, accessing these treatments and classes is a bit of a postcode lottery and can have rather strict and unfair qualification criteria, even where they are available. Cancer charities can be a good place to start and they will often only ask us to donate what we can afford towards the cost, if anything.

    The financial cost of paying for the sessions ourselves certainly seems to be a substantial barrier in accessing them longer term. Having had a cancer diagnosis, sadly, many find their incomes and ability to work very much depleted, so their recovery is hindered due to lack of opportunity and support.

    So, we would always suggest telling your Breast Care Team if you choose to join any of the sessions named above, so they can keep a full picture of your health and treatment choices on record. It is also helpful for them to see if your recovery has been aided by any of the complementary treatments.

    The therapies will obviously not be up everyone’s street and some treatments are more popular than others, but in our discussion we had such positive feedback that we can only encourage people to try. We hope you will be able to pick out and experience something that is suitable for you!

    As a group we believe that psychological help should be part of the package of treatment following a cancer diagnosis, with much better information about how to access complementary therapies and what they can do for us.

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