Sunday, 23 October 2016

Day 23 #pathways2resilience ~ Caroline

Special Feature Edition: Pathways to Resilience: Embracing our Vulnerability, Celebrating our Resilience

"we have raised nearly £3,000 for groundbreaking breast cancer research at my old medical school....."

In today's post for our month long feature #pathways2resilience, Caroline, a Consultant Oncologist, describes how her discovery of a level of resilience and strength brought together her family and community.


"Last August, I was devastated to be diagnosed with breast cancer - devastated for my young family (I have two little girls then aged 9 and 3) and terrified for myself. As a consultant oncologist, I knew just how cruel this disease can be.

I have had to find a level of resilience and strength I didn't know I had just to get through all the treatment physically, let alone deal with the emotional fall out. But with the help of family, friends and the amazing ladies I have met online through the Building Resilience in Breast Cancer Group and Younger Breast Cancer Network, I am now gently getting back to a life not centred around my illness - I am back at work which was a big concern for me - would I be able to look after cancer patients after being one myself? It's baby steps so far but with the help of this group, I think I'll get there!

My family are getting there too - it was important for us to be pro-active and we have raised nearly £3,000 for groundbreaking breast cancer research at my old medical school in Nottingham - it's brought us closer together and shown us how fabulous our local community is!"

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