Wednesday 20 April 2016

Clutching at Soap Bubbles ~ Samantha

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I’ve been a writer almost as long as I’ve been a reader; probably longer in fact, if you count the toddlerhood imaginings that I didn’t have the technical knowhow to turn into written words.

Throughout my schooldays and teens I read and wrote voraciously; my imagination stuffed to overflowing with ideas. When I started work and life became busier there was less time to write, but big things, important things, special things would still inspire a story or a poem. As time went on though, I wrote less and less, my thoughts cluttered with everyday stuff until, one day in 2003, I found myself sitting on the Tube staring at a soft drink advert. Its six word tag line ‘At lunchtime I feed the unicorn’ hit my imagination like a defibrillator, filling my head with a fully-formed short story which I spent the rest of the journey home scribbling down. It reminded me just how much I loved writing and, a couple of months later, I quit my role in Facilities Management to seek a job that would allow me to reclaim some of my creativity.

I became an admin assistant with the NHS and for the next eight years wrote anywhere I had a few minutes to spare; on the bus, sitting in waiting rooms, through my lunchbreaks etc. and I began to have some small successes in poetry competitions, and occasional pieces published.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer on 20th June 2011; three days in I wrote my first cancer poem, a firm and decisive ‘notice of eviction’. The ‘eviction’ (mastectomy, sentinel node biopsy and level 2 node clearance) was carried out on 30th June and, wide awake at three am the following morning, I was utterly frustrated when the neatly orchestrated snoring of the other five ladies on the ward triggered a poem idea and I couldn’t reach my notebook… There was something very empowering about sifting through the cancer-dross and creating poems that were beautiful or humorous, and writing became an integral part of my resilience. It gave me a focus, especially during chemo – for twelve weeks I was wired up to a drip for three hours or so every Thursday and writing was the perfect time filler – I even found inspiration in losing my hair and the drip-stand itself:

 Strictly Drip-stand

Dancing with a drip-stand, it ‘aint easy,
its tubes and wires threaten to impede
attempts at forward motion; Bloody-minded
it has five wheels so thinks that it should lead.

It helps a lot if you pick the right tune
for your vaguely ballroom progress to the loo,
something like a graceful waltz or foxtrot
(a Charleston, jive or quickstep just won’t do).

There’s just one more thing that you should remember,
to avoid an unexpected tango dip,
don’t forget to take the damn thing’s plug out
before you set off upon your trip!

I also took the plunge and submitted some poems to a small publishing company and, in February 2012, they requested a full manuscript. I asked if they could wait three weeks as I was about to start radiotherapy, they said yes. The manuscript went off in March, just after my oncologist had uttered the most perfect line of iambic pentameter ever - ‘As far as we can tell you’re cancer-free’ - and in May I was offered a publishing contract. Finding My Tail came out on 8th July 2013, by which time I’d taken redundancy from my NHS job and was officially a self-employed writer/artist/craftswoman; I felt incredibly fortunate.

It was about this time, however, that I began to notice the gradual dulling of my imagination which persists to this day. The combined effects of chemo, Tamoxifen and menopause create a numb fogginess, and have drastically lowered my attention span and reduced my short term memory to minutes. Nowadays, the wonderful ideas for stories and poems no longer bubble over the edges, I have to hunt for them in the fog. Sometimes a perfectly formed idea appears, shimmering like a rainbow, only to burst as I reach for it, leaving nothing but a vague dampness of memory. If I do capture an idea, my ‘forgettory’ and limited attention span mean I frequently get distracted and the threads of the piece unravel.

Writing is now a real effort – some days my entire mind is cloudy and I feel almost physically disoriented and dizzy. On those days I can barely string two words together, let alone write a poem worthy of competition entry or publication. I’ve learned not to attempt to write on the really bad days, turning instead to art and needlework that, being visual and physical are still achievable, allowing me to retain at least some of my creativity. The fear that I may never be able to write ‘properly’ again looms terrifyingly large in the shadows, because if I can’t write how can I be a writer and, if writing is an integral part of my resilience, how can I be resilient if I can’t write?

I do try to write on good days and aim for a minimum of two poems a month. I use writing prompts a lot to kick-start the process (thank you Visual Verse website). A picture, word or idea prompt gives me a defined focus and a time limit/deadline around which I can structure thinking and writing time. I have recently realised, however, that I’ve become so scared of not being able to write, that I’ve got cagey about actually doing it. This has to change, because if I don’t write I won’t be a writer and my resilience will start to develop holes.

When I first saw Panning for Gold I was a bit wistful. I’ve never blogged and couldn’t remember the last time I wrote a longer piece of prose. I figured it would be yet another idea that melted into the fog. But this morning there was a sudden bubble of inspiration and, for once, I actually managed to catch it. And I realise now that, if I get an idea, I have to grab it and run with it, no matter where or when it occurs; which means most of this piece has mainly been written, between bites of toast and gulps of rapidly cooling fennel tea, standing in a freezing kitchen in my dressing gown. Because, you know what, I am resilient, I am a writer and the after-effects of cancer won’t be getting any more of my precious soap bubbles without a fight.

Throughout the week we will be showcasing some of Samantha's poetry, art and needlework on our public page at


Thursday 14 April 2016

Cancer gave me a voice ~ Kirsty

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At 33 years old, having to deal with a potentially fatal dose of breast cancer was not part of my ‘plan’.

I had met a lovely man and we were planning our wedding. The diagnosis was in the April as we were getting married in the August.

I was diagnosed with stage 3 hormone positive breast cancer with a tumour of 12cm.

My surgeon and Oncologist took me through my treatment and the impact the chemotherapy would have on me.  It scared the living daylights out of me.

We did not know where we stood in regards to having a family, but there was no time to harvest my eggs, the treatment had to start NOW.

It made, me angry that my options were being taken away - that a disease was dictating my life and how long potentially I would be allowed to live it.  I was 33 years old, how did this happen?

The treatment was as intense and as severe as it possibly could be. I lost my hair, my bodily functions regularly and the breast that was doing a damn good job of trying to kill me.

I have never been so poorly in my life but I was determined that it was not going to beat me. I can honestly say though, there was a day where I had no energy left in my body and didn’t think I would be here.  My temperature was at 37 and I was exhausted.

I stayed in bed and allowed my body to heal. I made a promise to myself that I would do everything I want to do and more if I survived.

Well, my diagnosis was on the 27th April 2011 and things are going pretty well.

I have always been a very shy person, the one that was wrapped in cotton wool by my parents (who are ridiculously overly cautious about everything.)

If anyone told me that I would be talking in front of groups of people up to 100, I would have laughed and probably told them they were crazy!

Having a near-death experience changes you; it makes you assess your priorities and it totally affects your outlook on life.

I must admit, I have been through the whole spectrum of emotions once the treatment ended - anger, relief, resentment and empowerment.

Empowerment was the strongest out of the lot. I found that any fear I ever had (relating to any aspect of my life) had pretty much gone.  

The way I saw it was that if cancer couldn’t kill me, then what’s the harm in facing any other fears I had?  Really, what is the worst that can happen?

I found an article written by a lady called Kris.  She was diagnosed at 23 and was previously dismissed by the Doctor as being ‘too young to have breast cancer.’ She was at stage 4 when she was finally diagnosed.

Kris founded a charity called Coppafeel, which is a breast cancer awareness charity, educating young people on the signs and symptoms of breast cancer.  Self checking can lead to much earlier diagnosis and with mammograms being so much later in life, self checking is so very important when you are young.

I was totally inspired by Kris’s story and the volunteers called the Boobettes, who are ladies who have had breast cancer at a younger age. 

They visit schools, universities, colleges, festivals and businesses, educating people on the signs and symptoms of breast cancer via a presentation which includes their own story.

I knew I had to be part of this and I am proud to say, I have been a Boobette for 2 years. I didn’t know I should be checking myself and I certainly didn’t know the signs to look for.  

The first time I did a talk I was so scared I hardly slept. I had practised the talk a hundred times at least.  

The talks were at a local school, and once I got into it, I loved it. The more I did them, the better I became.  

The last talk I did was for the Big Lottery Fund and our Health Education Manager accompanied me from our HQ. She said how much confidence I had compared to my first talk and the feedback (one from a professional speaker) was amazing. This talk was also in front of three of my friends, so to hear such positive responses, made me proud and a little emotional.

I have always been fairly artistic and have a very artistic family, from painters to musicians and singers. My Dad has always been a keen photographer, taking photos of us growing up at any given opportunity along with other unwilling members of our family throughout the years.

I had a camera from a young age, but nothing professional and I didn't really take it seriously.

I wanted to take up a hobby after I was ill and something I could be proud of and actually stick with (I get bored of things very easily.) 

I decided on photography as I was always taking photos with my iPhone, so it was an easy choice.

The friends I have made and the images I have taken have enriched my life more than I could have ever imagined.

I have the confidence to direct a model and take images I never thought would be possible.  

It has taken a while to find my place in the ‘dog’ world but pets are my thing.  I have rescue cats and support a few rescue charities.

I feel at home behind the camera and my four-legged models make it even more enjoyable. At the moment it is just a hobby, but I am pushing myself to make it into a full time career.

To have a job that doesn’t feel like a job because it’s so much fun would be incredible.

I have a few Photographers who are my inspiration, but mainly Jill Greenberg, whose pet images I recreated with my cat Chuck!  

My family are so proud of me and love seeing my work (even though some of the female models I refrain from showing my Dad!) They encourage me and give me the support I need to make this dream a reality.

I take a lot of lingerie shots and I know a few people could not understand how a woman (and a woman with one breast!) would feel happy taking photos of other women in their underwear or less after what I had been through. I am sure people thought that I would have some kind of resentment to the models as they had two breasts and I only had one.

The female form is beautiful regardless of shape and size and I love taking the images to portray that.  

The only downside is that the models always have the most gorgeous underwear! Post Op Bras on the whole are either not pretty or a ridiculous amount of money.

This leads me on nicely to my latest mission.  

I went to M&S recently to buy a couple of bras, only to find the smallest stand of post op bras tucked away in the corner of one of the biggest stores in the West Midlands.

None of them were my size and after a brief visit to Debenhams who no longer stock any in store (‘sorry Madam, they are only online now’) this was the final straw.

The choice was frumpy and basic.  

I was in tears in the middle of Marks and Spencer surrounded by beautiful ‘normal’ bras saying loudly ‘why do I feel like I am being backed into a corner to have reconstruction?!”

I quickly tweeted M&S and vented by anger, questioning as to why they couldn’t just make a few of their standard range into the post op bra range?  Surely it is not that difficult?

I am now in talks with the lingerie team as to what they could do to improve their range and I have been asked to put forward my suggestions, which I have.  They are also making me a bespoke bra which is fab.

Sometimes you have to make your voice heard when you aren’t happy with something.

In a very odd way, cancer has given me the voice I never had.

Thursday 7 April 2016

Could this be (one of) the greatest days of my life xx ~ Rachel

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Those of you who have known me a lifetime will know I used to be a part time model. Mainly a sports model. At the age of 18 I finished my A levels and then had to choose between taking the modelling seriously or heading off to University. I decided my looks and body wouldn’t last for ever (and how right I was!!) but my brain Hopefully would, so off I trotted to Sussex Uni to study for a Mechanical Engineering degree. I’d done catalogues, newspaper adverts and brochures, it was a fun time. Parked as a good memory.

So over the years my dream of walking a catwalk had been left behind. University and a love of food, a very happy marriage, and 2 pregnancies leading to births of 2 very large babies certainly took its toll on my physique.

Then came the Breast Cancer diagnosis. So with this comes surgeries (3), missing parts (many), chemotherapy treatments (17th yesterday), a ton of different drugs (too many to name or count), steroids (appetite stimulants), radiotherapy (exhausting) and comfort eating (inevitable). A lack of ability to exercise fully – no excuses here – it really does have to be fitted in around health issues and energy levels. I’m not in the greatest shape ever!!!

Last week I got the chance to turn back the clock and feel like the old me. The model me. I cannot thank Breast Cancer care enough for giving me this opportunity. To live this lifelong dream, to tick this unticked box. When I was first selected I was “all clear” – except I wasn’t. I called BCC to check I was still eligible, as I still had cancer and a lot of treatment to go. Of course I was, if I was to be well enough at the time of the show. Well the whole sorry story has dragged on so long that there has been doubt in my mind that I would be well enough. The recent lung clots, the vision issues, the ongoing chemo. Only a few weeks ago I begun to feel scared I wouldn’t be able to take part.

I woke up last Sunday with a swollen face and neck, looked like an angry frog. I called the emergency line and off down to the hospital I had to go, dragging the family with me. Whilst they played in a local park I got checked out. Terrified I would be kept in and miss the show. To cut a long story short I refused to even sit on the ward bed and escaped an hour later. Thank goodness.

Well to the day of the show. About as emotional as it can get. As I waited backstage I felt my knees knocking and I thought – can I actually do this? Then they called out my name and I heard the Cheer of my life. 2 tables full of loud loving ladies were already whooping and I hadn’t even got out onto the stage yet. Some tears, full body goosebumps and a steely determination. YES I can do this. Cry my way down that stage – who cares! Well the music started and off we went and can I say I was having such a fabulous time from start to finish that tears were at the back of my mind. I LOVED it, and apparently I ROCKED it. Feeling the love from my Very emotional amazing Mum, my very best friends and my fabulously flat friends – it was a huge boost for me. I felt so loved and supported and confident.


So that was the afternoon show.

 And then the Evening show began..I walked (strutted) out again, this time to less whooping but all I could see was my amazing Husband Doug, my rock. Gorgeous and extremely emotional (sorry Doug!) standing watching in the kilt he wore when we got married. We’ve been married for 10 years in a few weeks and this was so meaningful to me. We need many many many more years. Once again I utterly loved every minute on the catwalk. It was amazing. My wonderful Oncologist was in the Audience along with other medical staff from the hospital where I have my appointments. And yes it was nice to be escorted by a famous rugby player but I only have eyes for Doug.

So what a day. I’m still buzzing. Thank you to Breast Cancer Care. Thank you to everyone who was part of my day. Thank you for coming and cheering. You know how much I love you. Sorry to those who couldn’t make it, I hope you enjoyed all the pics and videos and felt part of it. This has got me through yesterday’s chemo (back to reality!) and has restoked my fighting spirit.

It is up there with the top days of my life. Graduation day, Our Wedding day, Callum being born, Hannah being born. And then achieving that lifetime catwalk model dream. A box ticked. Lucky me xxxxxxx

Monday 4 April 2016

The Gift of Fear – Or How Fear Saved My Life ~ Tamsin ~ HuffPost Blog

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We are delighted to be able to share this post with you. Tamsin Sargeant, our Centre's Deputy, writes a blog for HuffPost UK on how using fear in a positive way can become a most powerful and constructive force in her life.

'The Gift of Fear' presents a new ideology based on recent research in psychological science and well-being on the benefits of fear when used constructively. Tamsin talks about her fearful experiences prior to and post her BRCA1 mutation discovery, and describes the ways in which fear has helped her endure her breast cancer journey with triumphs and courage. We are very proud of Tamsin and hope you enjoy reading her story. Naz and Vicky

Thursday 31 March 2016

Silent Tears, Hidden Pain ~ Nell

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It came to my attention today while scrolling through Facebook that a wonderful and brave lady called Holley Kitchen had lost her battle with breast cancer. I watched the video she made at age 39 years when she was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. This had a profound effect on me and I felt that I wanted to share my own story.

In March 1989, I was working as a nurse in the hospital in my home town. I was 39 years old, married with two children. I had been a nurse since I had been eighteen and I really loved and enjoyed my work.

On the 28th February 1989, while I was getting ready to go on night duty, I felt the lump in my left breast. It was central, right on the nipple. I didn’t panic, or scream, or shout. I called my husband upstairs as I needed to give his opinion - was there a lump or not? It felt hard and fixed and was the size of a 10 pence piece. My husband didn’t say a word. He just nodded and went back downstairs while I sat on our bed with my mind in a daze.

When I presented myself to the GP the following morning, he examined me. He didn’t think that there was anything to worry about but said he would refer me anyway, there was a breast cancer clinic taking place at our local hospital that afternoon. He telephoned and got me in as an emergency. By now, panic had set in and I kept feeling the lump every five minutes or so, willing it to disappear. Obviously it didn’t.

Sitting in the clinic, I began looking around at the other women and realised I was the youngest there. I had nursed many women with breast cancer but never one as young as me. I decided that I didn’t have cancer. I was far too young. This was going to turn out to be a cyst or something. I was going to be fine.

After being examined by the consultant, he decided to take some fluid from the breast and send it to the lab. This was on a Wednesday. I wouldn’t get the results until the following Monday. All of a sudden I was filled with such fear that I could hardly breathe. After a chat with the specialist nurse, I went home.

The days passed slowly. By Friday I was desperate to know one way or another. During Friday evening, the door bell rang. When I answered it, there was the breast cancer specialist nurse and my ward sister. And then I knew. I looked at their faces and I knew I had breast cancer. They were so kind they had come to tell me in the privacy of my own home. Whatever my reaction, it wouldn’t be seen by a clinic full of patients. I just asked what would come next. I was told to come into the ward for admission on the Monday morning. My surgery would take place the following day - March 6th 1989. I didn’t ask what my surgeon would do and he didn’t tell me. After they left, I completely lost all self-control. My husband changed colour and seemed to age in the two hours it took me to calm down. Both my children were out with friends for the evening. My eldest was 18 years old at the time. My youngest was 15 years old and still clingy. I couldn’t turn around without her being there.

Lying awake in bed in the early hours of the morning, I knew I would have to tell them that day. It was then that the guilt hit me. What was I doing to my family? I was about to blow their happy world to bits. I was going to hurt them, to frighten them and worry them. How could I do this to them? I can tell you now, truthfully and honestly, that was the worst part of it all, watching the fear on their faces. Not being able to give them the reassurance that they needed. They were so upset, so frightened and I as their mother had caused it. My husband tried so hard to be strong for me but I could see the fear in his eyes.

When I was admitted to the ward, the Surgeon explained that as the tumour was in the nipple area of the breast, he wanted to perform a total mastectomy, with clearance of the axillary lymph nodes. These nodes would then be sent away for testing to see if the cancer had spread to my axilla (the lymph nodes under my arm). He wanted to take the whole breast as he was worried that the cancer would infiltrate my chest wall.

I was numb. I thought, this is real, this is happening. I tell you honestly, I was terrified. I didn’t ask any questions, in my mind it was over. I might die, sooner rather than later. And in the time I had left, I would rather live my life with one breast. To me my life would never be the same again.

They gave me a sleeping tablet that night. It didn’t work. The fear and blind terror kept me awake. How would my husband react when he saw my body for the first time? Would he still find me attractive? I didn’t think so. How could he? Mutilation was the word I was thinking of. I would be mutilated. I would never wear a swimsuit again. I would have to wear special bras. I cried and cried. I felt so sorry for myself. I didn’t have a positive bone in my body.

Morning came and I was prepped for theatre. Off I went, putting on a brave face for everyone.

You must remember this was 1989. Things were so different then. Today there is a fantastic breast care specialist unit in our hospital, reputed to be the best in Wales. Back then they did not have the facilities they have today.

Two days after my operation, the day came to change my dressings and for me to see the wound on my chest for the first time. When the bandages and packing was taken away, I looked down to see the left side of my chest was flat, with a wound running from my central chest to my axilla. It was held together by black cat-gut stitches and looked very red and angry. And I just looked down and felt nothing. This was the beginning of my trouble. I didn’t feel or show any emotion at all. I just blocked the whole thing out. Big mistake.

A nurse came to the house to change the dressings for a few days after my discharge from hospital. Three days later, when I was in the bath, I asked my husband to come in. When he saw my scar, he said “Was that what all the fuss is over, that doesn’t look too bad.” I went into meltdown, I screamed, I shouted, I cried. All the time stomping around the bedroom, shouting “I have been mutilated.” I collapsed on my bed and cried so much that I didn’t think I had any tears left.

The following day I was back in my shell. I was always smiling, laughing and being brave Mrs Wonderful. Oh yes, everyone thought I was great to come out of my operation full of the joys of spring. Eight weeks later I was back at work. I had the results of my lymph nodes biopsy and the cancer had not spread so I didn’t need any more treatment, just 3-monthly check-ups. When these were due, I would get my hair done and dress up like a model, full make-up on and nothing out of place. I would walk in with a big smile on my face. To them I looked the picture of health, brimming with confidence. Inside I was falling apart. This went on for years.

After surgery, I was given the drug Tamoxifen which I had to take every day and can bring on an early change of life. One of the side-effects is weight gain. In three years, my body image had changed dramatically. I had gained a lot of weight. I looked bloated. My remaining breast grew at an alarming rate, so undressed, I looked hideous. But still, the outside world saw only a happy, smiling, confident person.

Two years later, I had an implant fitted. The pain of the operation was pretty bad but I didn’t show anyone. Now instead of an empty space on the left side of my chest wall, I had a large, round, hard lump under my skin. It did nothing for confidence. I looked dreadful - with one sagging breast and one immovable, hard lump minus a nipple. Still, I pretended I was thrilled with the result and got on with things.

One night, during a night shift, I lifted a patient off the emergency trolley onto the bed and slipped two discs in my lumbar spine which I had to have removed. I was left with nerve damage. I was 49 years old. I never worked again. A couple of months later, I had to have my breast implant removed as it was working its way up my chest wall and was far too high. The second implant was not much better, I was still left lop-sided. Under my clothes I was a mess but I put on my happy face so no-one knew.

It was about this time that I began drinking heavily. I had reached rock bottom. I could not have gone any lower. But I was still dragging myself out of bed every morning and going through my routine. I had a check-list in my head: clothes - immaculate, hair - the same, house - immaculate. I was good, very good. No-one noticed. Not for years. My drinking continued and my health began to deteriorate. I was admitted to hospital to have yet another implant. I even had a few drinks before admission. At least this implant was a success.

By this time I was refusing to leave the house, only going if I really had to. My husband was as loving and supportive as ever. He did all our shopping after work and he didn’t even comment on my excessive drinking. He thought I had bad nerves. In fact I was drinking myself to death. I hated myself, my body was a mess. I put on a huge amount of weight so now my implant did not match my other breast which had grown.

Eventually, it all came to a head. My friend, a nurse, who was visiting noticed how breathless I was. She also noticed my swollen ankles and the next thing, she asked to see my stomach which was hard and swollen with ascites. She rang my GP who came out and the next thing was that I went into hospital as an emergency. The Consultant was amazing. They had caught me in time and as long as I never had a drink again, my liver would survive. It was by talking to my doctor that the true way I felt came out. I had been living a pretend life, and he said it had all started with my mastectomy. Pretending I was okay so my family and friends would not worry. He told me I had never come to terms with it. I hid it away as if it had never happened. 

Looking back, I realised he was right. Not once did I cry or talk to anyone about it. If people offered me sympathy and empathy, I would push them away. Getting out of the shower, it was easy to avert my eyes. When I cried, I did it alone, when the house was empty. Towards the end, I spent a great deal of time alone. Most of my friends stopped calling, my husband was at work all day. By now, my children had their own lives. And it suited me to be alone, I didn’t have to pretend.

I spent three weeks in the hospital, with plenty of time to talk to various health professionals and plenty of time to think. This was 6 years ago and I haven’t had a drink since. I am well and feeling great. I have learned to love myself and my body. I look at my mastectomy scar and think of it as a battle I won. I didn’t deal with my breast cancer at all, I shut it out. It was the worst thing I could have done.

I am 27 years post-op this month. I have come a long way. I am disabled now due to the nerve damage in my spine but I am happy and at peace with myself and my body image. I have got my self-respect back. But most importantly I don’t keep things to myself anymore. No man or woman is an island we all need someone at sometime.


Wednesday 23 March 2016

What a cognitive psychologist learned about fear and resilience when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. ~ Naz ~ HuffPost Blog

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We are absolutely thrilled and delighted that our very own, and utterly brilliant Naz has had her blog 'what a cognitive psychologist learned about fear and resilience when she was diagnosed with breast cancer' published as part of HuffPost UK's month long project, All Women Everywhere:

"Yes, we are scarred but the scars do not define us. The scars signal our gratitude and grit, and the fears that mark what matters to us. Resilience helps us listen to our fears. So, how can we learn to be resilient, I ask myself".

We are so, so proud of Naz and the small role we play in helping raise awareness of the psychological challenges we all face following a breast cancer diagnosis, as well as how we can support one another to increase our psychological resilience. Tamsin and Vicky.
All Women Everywhere runs through March providing a platform to reflect the diverse mix of female experience and voices in Britain today.  

Here is the link to Naz’s HuffPost UK blog post:


Thursday 17 March 2016

I am now an Artist with Cancer ~ Amanda Hayler

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Art has become a particularly important part of my life since my diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer in January 2012. Indeed, I really believe it has kept me sane during the worst days of my illness so far. I love this quote by Thomas Merton "Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time". It really sums up what art does for me.

When I was diagnosed the first time with breast cancer in 2003, I was 38 years old, working in the education sector and was able to fit work around my treatment, as well as work at home. Work kept me focused and helped distract me from the misery of my situation. However, even after treatment had ended, I never really felt safe again. I kept myself busy and the fear diminished as time went on, but it still lurked in the background. 

Roll on nine years, and the cancer had not only come back, but it had spread to my lungs. I was devastated but not surprised. I knew what it meant. I was on borrowed time and I had to make some large adjustments to my life. One of these was to abandon the plan to become a professional photographer (at one point I almost threw all my camera gear in the bin!). The first year of living of incurable cancer was difficult. Not only was I on treatment which affected me physically, but I also struggled with my feelings of inadequacy, frustration, anger and guilt. I tried doing photography "just for me" by doing regular trips out and giving myself projects to do, but it increasingly got too much physically.

I had a huge hole in my life I needed to fill. I needed something
that would give me some self-worth and allow me to express myself, and not cause too much exertion on my health. It was then I turned to art. I'd always loved doing art, but it was always secondary to other things in my life. Now I had the chance to immerse myself in it and I did. I have no formal training in art (apart from art at school, and then I never completed the A level course). I had been keeping a diary of my side effects from the drugs I was on, but was wanting something that could visually address my emotions. 

I started doing art journaling, which enabled me to create pages of words, colours, and shapes from layers and layers of collage, paint and pen; the focus very much being on the personal and the process and not the end result. I watched YouTube videos, I bought books, I took online courses, and crucially, I was doing art every day. I began to doodle in the hospital waiting room. I started making little collages on canvases and cards that I gave to family and friends. I started to experiment with watercolour and pen. I started doing art abandonments (creating bits of art that are left in public places for people to find and keep). I even started to sell pieces. My dining room became my art room. And I had started to fill that gaping hole that cancer had ripped into my life. Doing art makes absolutely no difference to my prognosis...I will certainly die from my cancer...but doing art certainly makes my remaining life much more fulfilling.